How can I tell if my plant is having problems?

Some general signs that a plant can display:

  • Loss of leaf color

  • Brown or yellow spots on leaves

  • Yellowing or dropping leaves

  • Droopiness or wilting

  • Webs or white spots on a plant

What is the difference in pest sprays?

The biggest difference in our two pest sprays comes down to when to use them.

  • Insecticidal Soap: Best to use as a preventative, also our gentlest way to treat an outbreak.

  • Pest Spray: Best to use while a current breakout is happening, still gentle but usually a shorter treat duration.

Where are those bugs coming from?

Bugs can come from a variety of sources such as brining in cut flowers into your home, fruits and veggies can have them that you bring into your home, doors/windows are all sources for potential bugs, and of course other plants or your soil may have eggs.

Which plants should use the leaf shine spray?

The best types of plants to utilize our Shine Spray are those that are hard-leafed. Those plants that can get a buildup of dust and calcium deposits that is visible.

What is the best time to fertilize your plants?

Most plants prefer to be fertilized during Spring time- March, April, May and late summer.

Our fertilizer can be applied at any time. It is a unique formula that will help your plants grow and thrive! Packed full of beneficial fungi, oilseed extract, heavy metal free and organic.

What is the rooting powder used for?

Our rooting powder is used on cut ends of a stem or branch in order to promote root development. Most commonly used for propagation of your plants. It is easier to grow plants from cutting this way and by reducing the amount of time it takes for roots to grow it is less stressful on the plant.

Do you offer any additional care tips for plants?

Printed basic care tips to help you to understand how to use your sprays comes with each plant care box. You can always reach out to hello@sageplanta.com if you have any questions or concerns.

Please note that application guides are just guidelines and plants can behave differently depending on a variety of factors.

What is your refund policy?

Once an order is placed and a customer wishes to return the item they must contact us within 5 days from receipt. A customer will get a full refund minus 20% restocking fee upon receipt of product back to our facility. All customers are responsible for shipping costs to send back the item.

What is my product arrived damaged?

If an order is damaged or has a problem, please contact us.